Tony the Spider
Posted by: AamirNov 12th, 2009 • Category: Eye Candy • Tags: bugs, macro, wildlife •
Meet Tony. He is a tiny 2mm tall Yellow Sac Spider. I found him wandering aimlessly on our living room wall. No, he does not drink or do drugs, but was just confused with the daylight savings time change. At first, I tried making eye contact, but gave up as i couldn’t tell which eye to look at. So I gently scooped him up, set him on my desk, took my camera out and he immediately started posing for me. Here is one photo from his portfolio. He took my card and promised to come back for more photos sessions 😉

Posted by: Aamir
Nov 12th, 2009 • Category: Eye Candy • Tags: bugs, macro, wildlife
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November 24th, 2009 at 14:54:
Tony is just the coolest spider 🙂
Great shot Aamir.