The Lone Cypress
Posted by: AamirApr 18th, 2009 • Category: Eye Candy • Tags: HDR, landscapes, monterey, nature •
The Lone Cypress resides in the scenic, touristy 17-mile drive of the famous Pebble Beach in California. It is a cypress tree and got this name because it is the only tree that has been standing, holding on to the winds and weather for over 200 years on a big chunk of rock off the shore of Pacific Ocean. All other cypress trees are rooted in firm soil away from this cliff.
These images have been used and abused for everything that represents Pebble Beach, so much that the the owners of Pebble Beach decided to copyright images of the Lone Cypress and prevent commercial usage by others. I am in no way connected to Pebble Beach or the Lone Cypress and I am not offering these images for sale on this website.

Posted by: Aamir
Apr 18th, 2009 • Category: Eye Candy • Tags: HDR, landscapes, monterey, nature
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April 21st, 2009 at 12:52:
Gorgeous pic, bro! Can’t seem to take my eyes off it! Can you send me the original HDR? I wana print this out and hang it in my room 😀
April 30th, 2009 at 08:29:
Truly beautiful!
November 3rd, 2009 at 19:45:
Wonderful, wonderful photographs!!!