Sea Lions
Posted by: AamirJan 29th, 2007 • Category: Eye Candy • Tags: monterey, underwater, wildlife •
California Sea Lions
Sea Lions are very similar to Seals with the only difference that Sea Lions have tiny ears sticking out whereas the Seals don’t. They are most noisy, like to take group naps and eat just about anything they find. They love to hang around the shore, perched up on rocks. Sometimes, they invade the beach in hundreds and take- over boats, parks, parking lots and the waterfronts. Don’t believe me? Read this.
Some species of sea lions are readily trainable and are often a popular attraction at zoos and aquariums. The archetypal circus seal performing behaviors such as throwing and catching balls on its nose and clapping is almost always a sea lion.

Posted by: Aamir
Jan 29th, 2007 • Category: Eye Candy • Tags: monterey, underwater, wildlife
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