Nigel Wants iPhone 5
Posted by: AamirSep 23rd, 2011 • Category: Eye Candy • Tags: birds, nature, wildlife •
This is Nigel, the leader of this pack. He overheard a seagull talking about iPhone 5 being launched on Oct 4th. He immediately called up his drinking buddies and pitched a tent outside the Apple store. He plans to camp there till he gets the iPhone 5 and is currently passing time drinking and playing poker with his buddies.
[Update: Nigel is disappointed there is no iPhone 5, but is still hanging out to get the iPhone 4S]

Posted by: Aamir
Sep 23rd, 2011 • Category: Eye Candy • Tags: birds, nature, wildlife
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October 26th, 2011 at 12:21:
Nigel wants and iPhone?
Did he tell you whom he wants to call?