Farewell to the King of Pop
Posted by: AamirJun 27th, 2009 • Category: Eye Candy • Tags: celebrity, creative, people, wax gallery •
Michael Jackson revolutionized pop the way Elvis Presley revolutionized rock-and-roll. Both were kings in their own regard, lived a grand life and died in very mysterious ways. I grew up listening to Michael Jackson, watching his moves and trying to imitate them. Smooth Criminal was the first song i heard and i right away fell in love with the King of Pop and bought a lot of his other albums.
During an art class when i was in 6th grade, my art teacher decided to have an open session where we could draw just about anything we wanted to. It did not take me much time to decide what i wanted to draw. I picked MJ as my subject and this is what i came up with.
I got 9/10 for this drawing and it was displayed on the school bulletin board for everyone to see. I forgot i had this drawing somewhere in my closet till last week. It took me a while to find it and scan it. This drawing is atleast 20 years old and has lost most of its color and the paper quality is degrading as well.
I was at Madame Tussads wax gallery in 2003 and i took this photo of a wax statue of MJ.
His death leaves a glaring big void in the music industry and no one can take his place. He transformed pop music to such an extent that the whole world danced to his beats and copied all his moves. Just like rock-and-roll had no king after Elvis died, it looks like there wont be a king of pop after MJ’s death.
Rest in Peace, Michael Jackson. Pop will never be the same without you. We will miss you!

Posted by: Aamir
Jun 27th, 2009 • Category: Eye Candy • Tags: celebrity, creative, people, wax gallery
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June 28th, 2009 at 18:52:
Wonderful drawing!
I can’t believe MJ is gone!
I will always miss him along with the rest of the world!
He was truly an amazing & gifted man.
I loved him and all his music and wow! how he could dance!